
Overcoming Student Anxiety in Public Speaking: Empowering Voices

  Public speaking, despite its universal significance, often triggers anxiety among students. The fear of speaking in front of an audience can cripple confidence, hinder effective communication, and impede personal growth. However, with the right strategies and support, students can conquer this anxiety and unlock their true potential as confident and persuasive speakers. This essay explores the causes of student anxiety during public speaking and presents practical techniques to overcome it, ultimately empowering students to express themselves effectively in any setting. Public speaking anxiety among students is a common phenomenon, primarily fueled by fear of judgment and failure. The pressure to perform flawlessly, coupled with the spotlight on their every word, can lead to physical symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms, and a racing mind. Students often worry about forgetting their lines, stumbling over words, or facing ridicule from peers. This anxiety arises from a l...

Paris Is Not a Romantic City Anymore

  France's largest and most important city is Paris. On the Seine River in the country's geographic center, it is well worth a visit. The term "City of Love" refers to Paris. Paris has always been a popular spot for those in search of romance or a better life. Paris has been dubbed "the City of Love" due to its reputation as a haven for lovers. Paris's moniker as "The City of Love" isn't simply a cutesy moniker; it accurately captures the romantic atmosphere that draws so many tourists to the French metropolis. The Eiffel Tower is not only a symbol of Paris, but also of eternal love. You and your date can spend the evening taking in the sights of the Champs de Mars Park and its famous monument below. Unfortunately, though, Paris is not always a romantic city. There are other downsides that are rarely discussed. The truth about Paris's seedier underbelly is laid out here. Let's start with the fact that not everyone thinks of Paris as...

Two Risk Factors for Gastric Cancer

  According to WHO, cancer is a non-communicable disease that causes a high death rate worldwide. Cancer is very closely related to everyday life. Gastric cancer is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality due to malignant tumors. Gastric cancer is the fourth type of cancer among various types of cancer that are common throughout the world. Stomach cancer causes around 700,000 deaths yearly and is the second-highest incidence. Gastric cancer is the fourth most frequently diagnosed cancer. There are two risk factors for this cancer.  Genetic or hereditary factors can cause gastric cancer, such as gene mutations in the E-cadherin/CDH1 gene, which cause lesions in diffuse hereditary gastric cancer syndrome (HDGC). This gene is located on chromosome 16. In addition to mutations in the E-cadherin gene, there is an interleukin-1ẞ (IL-1B) gene that triggers an inflammatory response. The polymorphic form of IL-18 and interleukin 1 receptor antagonist are also risk factors ...

Amalan di Bulan Puasa

  Bulan puasa merupakan bulan suci umat muslim. Di bulan ini muslim akan menahan hawa nafsu dari terbit fajar hingga terbenamanya matahari. Selagi menahan hawa nafsu terdapat amalan yang dapat dikerjakan oleh umat muslim yang sedang berpuasa dan kegiatan ini menambah pahala bagi yang menjalankannya. 1. Meningkatkan Salat Secara singkat, meningkatkan salat berarti yang awalnya hanya sekadar mengerjakan yang fardu maka kini ditambah dengan yang sunah. Salat sunah merupakan salat yang dapat dikerjakan di luar salat fardu. Salah satunya adalah salat sunah rawatib, yaitu salat yang melekat dengan salat fardu yang dapat dilakukan sebelum maupun setelah salat fardu. Salat rawatib terdiri dari dua belas rakaat, di antaranya dua rakaat sebelum Subuh, empat rakaat sebelum Zuhur, dua rakaat setelah Zuhur, dua rakaat setelah Magrib, dan dua rakaat setelah Isya. Khusus untuk salat sunah rawatib sebelum Zuhur, diperbolehkan dua rakaat saja jika waktunya terbatas. 2. Banyak berinteraksi deng...

Cara Menyuburkan Tanah

 Lapisan atas bumi terdapat tanah. Tumbuhan tumbuh di tanah karena tanah mengandung unsur hara dan air dan akan menjadi lebih baik lagi jika tanahnya subur. Tanah subur sangat baik bagi tanaman dan ekosistem yang hidup di tanah. Adapun cara-cara menyuburkan tanah. • Gunakan Air Cara menyuburkan tanah yang pertama yaitu dengan mencukupi kebutuhan air untuk tanah dan tumbuhan. Jika permukaan tanah kering, itu artinya tanah tersebut tidaklah subur, terlebih ketika musim kemarau tiba dan curah hujan sangat sedikit membuat tanah menjadi gersang dan tidak sehat. • Taburkan Kapur Dolomite Kapur dolomite sangat berguna untuk menstabilkan tingkat pH atau keasaman tanah. Jika tingkat keasaman stabil, maka tanah terbilang subur untuk dijadikan media tanam. Sebaliknya, bila tingkat asam terlalu tinggi, akar tanaman akan mudah mati. Untuk mengatur tingkat keasaman, Anda hanya perlu menaburkan  kapur dolomite di permukaan tanah sebelum digunakan untuk bercocok tanam. • M...

Say No to Narkoba!

  Narkoba singkatan dari narkotika, psikotropika, dan bahan adiktif lainnya adalah adalah bahan/zat yang jika dimasukan dalam tubuh manusia, baik secara oral/diminum, dihirup, maupun disuntikan. Bahan-bahan adiktif itu berbahaya jika dikonsumsi karena narkotika sendiri bersifat adiktif yang mana bisa menyebabkan penggunannya kecanduan. Bukan hanya kecanduan yang menjadi bahaya dari penggunaan narkotika, narkotika juga bisa merusak tubuh, narkotik mengubah pikiran, suasana hati dan perilaku seseorang yang mengonsumsinya. Ada beberapa bahaya yang disebabkan oleh narkotika. Narkotika membawa bahaya bagi penggunannya. Halusinogen yaitu efek dari narkoba bisa mengakibatkan seseorang menjadi ber-halusinasi dengan melihat suatu hal/benda yang sebenarnya tidak ada / tidak nyata bila dikonsumsi dalam sekian dosis tertentu. Contohnya kokain & LSD. Lalu, Stimulan, yaitu efek dari narkoba yang bisa mengakibatkan kerja organ tubuh seperti jantung dan otak lebih cepat dari biasanya...

Little Mermaid Live's Action Remake Received 5 Million Dislikes before Release.

  Disney is the world's most extensive entertainment company. Disney has screened many films children like, such as Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, and many more. Recently, netizens have flocked to criticize Disney, especially the Little Mermaid remake, which will be released in May 2023. This live-action film from Little Mermaid has drawn a lot of destructive criticism. There is a reason why Little Mermaid Live Action received five million dislikes before its release. The reason is that Disney shattered the little mermaid fans' expectations. They know Ariel is a mermaid with red hair and white skin, but in Little Mermaid Live Action, Ariel's character doesn't match what's in the cartoon. Halle Bailey is a singer from America, and she will play the character Ariel in Little Mermaid. Halle bailey is a black person. Some netizens disagree with that because, according to them, Disney spoils the imagination of Ariel, who is white in the cartoon. A disappointmen...